

How Social Media helps in boosting search engine rankings of your Blog?

The search engine ranking of your website plays an important role in attracting more visitors to the site, and helping your brand gain more visibility online. One way of making your website more search-engine friendly, is by ensuring that the website content is SEO optimized.
A new infographic by TastyPlacement, however, points out that ranking high on Google, is not just about SEO, it’s about social media too.
TastyPlacement created six websites in six similarly-sized UScities, to conduct a study to analyze the relationship between a certain social media activity and the organic search engine rankings.
The study involved carrying a particular social media marketing activity and measuring the average change in the search engine ranking position, for five of the sites, after a period of one month. The sixth site was left as-is for a control test.
From the study results, social media marketing was found to help boost the search engine rankings in the following ways:
When a target website was promoted via social media connections, and 100 followers were secured to a linked Google+ business page, the website’s search engine position rose by 14.63
When a target website was promoted via social media connections, and 300 Google +1 votes were secured to that target website, its search engine position rose by 9.44
When a target website was promoted via social media connections, and 70 Facebook shares were secured for the target website, and Facebook “likes” to a linked Facebook business pagewere increased by 50, the search engine position of the target website rose by 6.9.

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