

'Tweets in Space' plans sending Twitter messages to habitable planet

Twitter users across the world may be able to find followers 22 light-years away - thanks to 'Tweets in Space', an ultramodern project that hopes to transmit 140-character texts to a potentially habitable planet this fall. During a live performance set for September 21 at the Albuquerque Balloon Museum, collaborators Scott Kildall and Nathaniel Stern plan to beam tweets carrying the hashtag #tweetsinspace all the way to GJ667Cc, New York Daily News reported.
Scientists have asserted that the recently discovered planet in other star  has the potential to support some form of life.

'We look at it from the standpoint of democratizing deep space transmissions,' Kildall said.
'All tweets sent during the performance, whether you're at the event or at home on your computer, will be transmitted.'
'We thought it would be worthwhile to show the sea change in how information is broadcast in our culture.'
 Kildall and Stern hope to send out their interplanetary Twitter feed via a high-powered radio transmitter. They hope to pay for the gear with donations they collect through the fundraising website
 Thus far, they have amassed almost 1,600 dollars of the 8,500 dollars they insist they will need to beam the messages a distance of five light-years.
 There hope is that five light years is far enough into space for any ET's on GJ667Cc who might be tuning in to pick up the signal.

'We're making some assumptions about their listening technology,' Stern said.

'We're assuming a similar intelligence to our own can pick out patterns,' Stern added.

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