
Photographs in White House when Laden was killed!!!

Situation Room Osama Bin laden

Sometime after midnight last night I Tweeted this: "Can't wait to see White House photographer Pete Souza's behind-the-scenes photos of the past few days' events." Souza has delivered. For the past several years, the White House chief photographer has been chronicling every moment of the Obama Administration. He has unprecedented access to the President and his staff and gets himself into meetings and rooms you'd think he wouldn't ever be allowed. Case in point: Souza was in the Situation Room with President Obama, Vice President Biden, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and other senior officials while the mission in Pakistan to take out Osama bin Laden was taking place yesterday. The photo above is truly remarkable — check out the no-BS look on the President's face and Secretary Clinton's expression of near shock at what she's watching. Absolutely awesome. We can only guess that they're watching the mission unfold via a camera mounted on one of the Navy SEAL's helmets. Check out more cool photos from yesterday's events in the White House after the jump.

Situation Room Obama Point

Obama Thinking

Obama Team Situation Room

Obama Writing Speech Osama

Obama Phone Call Osama Bin Laden

Listening To Obama Speech

Obama Giving Speech

Obama Handshake Mike Mullin

By the way, one more thing about Souza's photos. He posts a selection of them every day on theWhite House Flickr feed, and perhaps even cooler, every single photo that he and his staff takes are protected pieces of the National Archives. Which means that he's not allowed to delete any photos and the entire collection will be made available to the public following the completion of Obama's presidency. That's pretty amazing.


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